Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Days 1-3 of my Watson Heritage Quest

This is my first attempt at a genealogy search. My Granny (Bernadine Lewis) died earlier this year and I've just realized all those things I wish I had asked her about her life. Like where was she born, what was her childhood like, who were her boyfriends and why did she choose Grandpa over all the others...She wasn't much of a writer so I don't have a journal to guide me, now what?

As for the Watson side of my family I am plugging along (thanks to my grandmother, Sylvia Hammack-Watson, who kept some newspaper clippings and other odds and ends.) I've been checking US Census reports and following a nice neat path to the past until I hit a road block, either my great-great grandfather was orphaned or sent to live with an uncle in Virginia for a while.

I've basically been organizing the information I have so that I know where to begin my search. Many of the genealogy tips web sites say to begin with Census reports, so I think I have accessed all the "free" info I can get, except for calling all my aunts, uncles and cousins. I'm hoping by starting this blog, any one with information of the following people will post me a note or shoot me an email message. Pictures, copies of birth, marriage and death certificates are always welcome.

So far my search has uncovered the following Watson family lines for:

Henry Paul Watson, Sr. (my grandfather) born 4/3/1914 in Elkins, WV & died 1/18/1977.

He was married to Sylvia Hammack (place and date unknown for now.) The first pic to the left is of Paul and Sylvia in Sept. 1935.

Henry Paul, Sr.'s parents were: Henry Clay Watson Jr., born October 1883 and Dema Grace Harris (no further info yet) Second photo.

Henry Clay, Jr's parents were: Henry Clay Watson Sr. born 9/1958 and Elizabeth L. ??? born March 1863. Both of their parents live in Virginia.
From here the US Census reports get confusing, in 1870, 11 year old Henry Clay, Sr. was living with another family, the John Wentz family, in Upshur County, VA.

As for the Hammack's, here is what I have:

Sylvia Hammack was born in Braxton, WV 3/2/1916, and died on 9/28/1985.
Her father Ray Martin Hammack (pictures here) was born in 1893 and died on May 24, 1968 in Barbour County, WV. He was married to Lula (??) according to his obituary. His parents were VanBuren Hammack & Mary Givens Hammack. I come up with blanks in my search for any of these people in the US Census reports I can access from the computer.

Anyone know of some good "free" sites to aid in my Heritage Quest? I will pay for www.ancestry.com or a similar site once I gather more names and dates from my relatives.
I am also searching my mother's family: Calvin Lewis & Bernadine Harper from WV and my in-laws family history (mostly in NC) too. Any and all help is appreciated! Thank, Tonia


Sylvia said...

Mom wants to know if that is a little girl in the pic with Ray Hammack. Could that be grandma Sylvia?

Tonia said...

I think it is, she was their only girl, but back then they also dressed infant boys in the white christening type gowns.